Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Simon Clements, Sculptor.

Leaf by Simon Clements (2012)
An update on the Wytham Woods Exhibition at Oxford's Natural History Museum.  The Private View at the Natural History Museum will take place on the evening of Friday 11th May - probably around 6.30pm. Invitations will be sent out shortly by the University, but if you would like to attend, please email us at  The Exhibition itself will be open to the public from 12th May, to coincide with the first day of Oxford Artsweeks.  We are part of the Jericho area but the whole city will be full of open studios and exhibitions during that week. Unlike Artsweeks, we will stay open until 1st October.

Having given a lot of thought to the long gallery in the Natural HIstory Museum where we will be exhibiting, I felt that the pictures should form part of a wood installation, so I was extremely pleased when Simon Clements the sculptor who has worked with us on the One Oak project agreed to participate in the Exhibition with Rosie and me.  Between us we have conceived of an enormously fun installation in which the linocut and woodblock prints will sit.  More news about that nearer the time, needless to say we are all carving like mad for everything to be ready for the 11th May.